Poland - nation caught in crossfire
Polish President and many top Polish officials died in aeroplane crash as their plane tried to land in thick fog. Really a tragic event! But this event has also helped to thaw the tense relations between Russia & Poland.Polish president was going to attend anniversary of Katyn massacre (There is excellent movie on this by Andrej Wajda, renowned Polish director). In this massacre around 20000 Polish troops and intelligentsia were killed by Russian army. Russia confessed about this massacre in 1990 and prior to that it had claimed that it was done by Nazis.
Poland has always been caught in this crossfire of two mighty nations on either side. And so has been Hungary. Mighty Russia on one side and Germany (and more recently USA & allies) on the other (Wajda movie depicts this very well, where by citizens are caught on bridge with Russian & German armies invading from either side). During World Wars, these countries were used as pawns & soft targets and suffered the most. Cities were devastated, people had to migrate (even Able in 'Kane and Able' is Pole). During Cold War, they were part of Soviet block and were important part of Russian strategy against USA. After disintegration of Soviet Union, these countries tried to move away from Russia towards NATO block, resulting in ire from Russia. Thus, over the years Poland and Hungary been caught in the crossfire.
But recent events have helped to improve relations between Poland and Russia. Medvedev addressed Polish people and showed empathy towards them. Even Putin's reaction has been positive. Such improved relations with West & Russia would definitely help Poland. It could benefit from its unique location. Lot of investment from Western Europe, especially Germany, has gone in Poland and further Russian investments would definitely help. So rather than being a nation caught in crossfire, it could serve as a nation which bridges West & Russia!